One of the most important factors about lash application is your humidity. If you don’t know what your humidity is it can mess with the glue on so many levels; retention, irritation, process and so on!

Humidity bogs down the fumes of the glue, allows for optimal retention and can help prevent allergic reactions and irritation. Humidity is what sets the glue and I can not stress enough how important it is.

If you are having issues with the application process or retention and you contact me asking for help, my first question will be what is your humidity and what are you using as your humidifier.

You must have a hygrometer and a humidifier or dehumidifier, these can be found on Amazon for a reasonable price. If you humidifier has a hygrometer you will still want a separate hygrometer for an accurate read on your humidity.

I have personally switched to a facial steamer. I will run this throughout the entire procedure and mist their extensions at the end with it. For optimal retention I suggest the facial steamer.

Humidity and Temperature are such an important influencing factor when lashing. The higher the humidity, the faster your adhesive is going to set the lower the humidity the slower it will set. The higher your room temperature the faster your glue will set and the cooler your room is the slower it will set.

The adhesive you choose will also make a difference to how you lash. Our Expert & our Super adhesive are our faster setting adhesives.

Expert Glue Humidity range is 20%-75%. The closer you are to 20% humidity it will take longer to set, the closer to 75% the faster it will set. This adhesive set time is .05-1 second. This is our fastest setting adhesive and has a retention of 6-8 weeks.

C-Free Glue sets in 3 seconds and works in 20-75% humidity range. This glue is a great option for multiple purposes. It is better for those who are moving a little slower, higher humidity climates and for those clients who have allergy issues with other glues. We have found it to be an option for most clients with allergies however there is a possibility to still react. C-Free will work the same as the Expert; the closer you are to 20% humidity it will take longer to set, the closer to 75% the faster it will set. This is our slowest setting adhesive and has a retention of 6-8 weeks.

When it is time to get knew glue you will notice the old glue will get stringy and thick. 

If you live in a drier climate and have extreme weather the retention will be different than if you lived in a high humidity climate. In higher humidity climates extensions will always last longer because of the constant humidity surrounding the extensions. However we have found that if you use the facial steamer during application this will help the retention in drier climates.

Temperature should be around 68 degrees and you should avoid applying extensions in areas where heat or air-conditioning will blast you. If your room is below 68 degrees your glue won’t mix as well so you will need to shake the glue longer in order for it to mix properly. Your glue will also set slower the colder your room is.