
Cataracts occur when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy and prevents light from passing clearly through the lens, causing some loss of vision. Vision may also become cloudy, blurry or foggy.

  • Conjunctivitis is a common condition that causes redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye causing redness, itchiness, watering eyes and sometimes a sticky coating on the eyelashes.

  • Glaucoma is a condition which affects vision and is caused by blockages in the eye ducts, preventing fluid from flushing effectively. This can cause pressure that in turn can damage the optic nerve and retina.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy This is a condition associated with Diabetes that if left untreated can lead to blindness. High sugar levels in the blood cause vessels in the eye to become blocked or leak preventing the retina from working.

  • Dry Eye Syndrome Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include dry and sore eyes that are watery and burn. Eye drops are used to treat this condition to replace the loss of lubrication.

  • Blepharitis Is a common and ongoing condition where the eyelids become inflamed (swollen), with oily particles and bacteria coating the eyelid margin near the base of the eyelashes. This annoying condition causes irritation, itchiness, redness, and stinging or burning of the eyes.

  • Styes an infection that causes a tender red lump on the eyelid. Most styes occur along the edge of the eyelid. When a stye occurs inside the eyelid, it is called an internal hordeolum. Any swelling, redness or irritation should be checked by a doctor. If you are at all weary do not do the service. Just nicely let them know your concerns and suggest going to a doctor. You may also want to request a doctor’s note if they want to receive extensions in the future for extra protection.

  • Mites Although everyone has eyelash mites, and they are just part of how our beautiful ecosystem works, demodicosis, is not part of this natural process. Demodicosis is the name for the phenomenon where there are too many eyelash mites on the face causing it to become infected and particularly in the eyelash area, the eyelashes fall out. Demodicosis is usually present in people who secrete too much oil or even in women who put on too much makeup on every day. What worsens this situation is when you fail to wash your face before going to sleep at night!  A large percentage of people have eyelash mites because of sleeping in eye makeup.

It is always important to maintain proper hygiene and to always remember to wash your face before dozing off. Eye makeup can be a source of bacteria. Mascara specifically is known to be a possible breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Always remember to wash your makeup brushes and to use clean mascara wands to avoid the overpopulation of eyelash mites in the eyelash area.